
The Four Elements • Fire

The sacred fire died out. How to get it back? The fire will only present itself to someone who can tame it, keep it, and honour it. Will our company succeed? In the singing workshop, we will try to keep the fire in a loop and learn how to honour it with a dance. Helping us will be the music of Maurice Ravel and Igor Stravinsky.

Subscription series 4Ž | Education programs | Duration of the programme 2 hours | For preschools and schools


Jakub Kacar, Jan Bradáč, Kristýna Müllerová, Šárka Vejvodová instructors

Photo illustrating the event The Four Elements • Fire

Rudolfinum — Suk Hall

The program for children is based on a musical part but also on a spoken word that will be given in Czech language only. The program will not be supplied with English subtitles.


The sacred fire died out. How to get it back? The fire will only present itself to someone who can tame it, keep it and honour it. Will our company succeed? In the Firebird's garden, we will learn how to tame the flames. In the singing workshop, we will try to keep the fire in a loop and learn how to honour it with a ritual dance. Helping us will be the music of Maurice Ravel and Igor Stravinsky.