Mozart, Dvořák, Ravel • With members of the Orchestral Academy
The members of the Orchestral Academy are involved in a number of other projects and concerts in addition to regular performances at almost all concerts of the Czech Philharmonic. The most important of these are the performances of the Czech Philharmonic Youth Orchestra within the subscription series of the Czech Philharmonic and the Chamber Concert of the OA members.
Thanks to the Czech Philharmonic's long-standing cooperation with the Royal Academy of Music (RAM) in London, members of the Orchestral Academy also have the opportunity to undertake short-term study placements at this prestigious educational institution in London and to meet students from RAM at Czech Philharmonic concerts in Prague. Through these activities, the Czech Philharmonic seeks to further assist the musical development of young professionals and contribute to the quality of music education in the Czech Republic.
Mozart, Dvořák, Ravel • With members of the Orchestral Academy
In the 2023/2024 season, the Czech Philharmonic will launch a brand new programme with the Royal Academy of Music in London, focusing on education and cultural exchange between members of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestral Academy and students of the Royal Academy of Music. The project has been made possible with the kind financial support of the Gage Foundation under the Semyon Byčkov Fund for the Promotion of Education.
This exchange programme will provide selected students of the Royal Academy of Music in London and members of the Orchestral Academy of the CF with a unique opportunity to gain access to a completely new musical environment, make contacts and gain valuable experience that is crucial to launching a professional musical career. During the initial two-year pilot programme, eight students from the Royal Academy of Music will be sent to Prague, followed by eight members of the CF Orchestral Academy in London a year later.
Students from the Royal Academy of Music will come to Prague in February 2024 to stage a concert programme alongside players from the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra consisting of works by Gustav Mahler, Arthur Honegger and Ondřej Kukal and will perform three concerts at the Rudolfinum on 14, 15 and 16 February 2024 under the baton of Jakub Hrůša. In the following season 2024/2025, the members of the Orchestral Academy will take part in a week-long residency at the Royal Academy of Music in London, where they will receive individual lessons from local teachers, participate in an orchestral project with local students and take part in masterclasses organised by the Royal Academy of Music.