
Bulletin Board

As an organization receiving state funding, under Act No. 106/1999 Coll. the Czech Philharmonic has the duty of making information about its activities publicly available. This section focuses on basic documentation relating to the institution’s operations and finances.

Billing information

Czech Philharmonic
Alšovo nábřeží 79/12
110 00 Prague 1

Identification number: 00023264
Tax identification number: CZ00023264

Banking information

Czech National Bank
Na Příkopě 28
115 03 Prague 1


  Account number IBAN BIC
CNB CZK 12934011/0710 CZ19 0710 0000 0000 1293 4011 CNBACZPP
CNB EUR 34534-12934011/0710 CZ89 0710 0345 3400 1293 4011 CNBACZPP
CNB USD 34833-12934011/0710 CZ78 0710 0348 3300 1293 4011 CNBACZPP
10006-12934011/0710 CZ59 0710 0100 0600 1293 4011 CNBACZPP


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